Your Big (Wine) Data

Shiraz tasting notes from a fledgling wine man

Shiraz tasting notes from a fledgling wine man

Big data refers to collections of information so vast that it requires extreme effort to narrow analysis to affordable and predictable metrics for business. This can apply to wine, as in order to discover and truly drink what you like, you will need to try a full range of red, white, and sparkling wines. This can quickly become an expensive and complicated proposition, so it is critical to your bank account and happiness to have guiding parameters that you know will help you make better choices.

By making brief, detailed notes of all your tastings, you will curate sufficient information for a personal profile of wines that are right for you. Note which wines made from different grapes, regions, countries, and years stand out to you. Also what wines you like with certain foods, or without food. Time of day and temperature can come into play. It's important to track what you dislike. Wines differ from year to year, sometimes significantly. Also, as your experiences progress, your tastes may change, and you'll continuously reset the bar for what is impressive. So never stop accumulating data.

You can see how this can get out of hand. So what are the most important things to record? That, too, is up to you, but like mainstream big data, it initially helps to limit your collection efforts. Focus on a few of your favorite wines and their specific characteristics, and take notes until you have enough depth to see clear trends in your preferences. Then, expand your statistics to your liking to assist with decision making. 

Your big wine data will make drinking what you like, with certainty, immediately easier, and you'll have the basis for further experimentation in a broader spectrum of wines.